Andy Rivas Microsoft "Art Exhibition" Team building event June 1
Wed, Jun 01
There is no such thing as bad art.

Time & Location
Jun 01, 2022, 7:00 PM
Seattle, 7800 7th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108, USA
About the Event
"There is no such thing as bad art" In tis exercise the group will be broken up into teams of three, We will briefly show each team how to tack weld, and team members will be given a pike of interesting scrap steel and parts.
The group will be asked to select a subject for the sculpture, for example; the human form, modern art, or a nuanced juxtaposition that explores the balance between torpor, lassitude, and spontaneous human combustion. Each team will be challanged to make a piece of art in 45 minutes, and then explain it in the most pretensious way possible.
Given the short timeline, teams will be developing and excersizing newly found skills simultaneously, (praxis), identifying key tasks, and delegating these according to the existing skills and proclivities of team members.
The short timeline encourages lateralized participation.
Teams will design and weld up a sculpture, and then explain the "raison de etre" of the sculpture to their peers.
Teams will be scored on the execution and explanation of the artwork. Teams will design, fabricate, and present the artwork within the given period. Art may be taken home, sold on etsy or at art basel, or immediately turned into an nft. There is no first, second or third place in art, however, if need be, we can supply actual useful art critique in a charactoritically arch fashion that strongly implies the speaker once lived in France, or considered it.